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Please abuse me,I love it! More,please!

AFTER EIGHT November 10, 2020 3:42 pm

This couple deserve each other. He was abusive so she left because she didn't feel loved. She returns to the family from hell where she received the worse abuse ever and takes her son back with her,knowing they hate her and tried their best to kill/destroy her. This must be the love she is looking for!

    Kana November 11, 2020 7:37 pm

    She only went back there because she had no other choice, she doesn’t have the money to live on her own. She believes living there is better for her child than living on the streets. Though I’m starting to think they would be better off homeless than in that house. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    AFTER EIGHT November 12, 2020 10:43 am
    She only went back there because she had no other choice, she doesn’t have the money to live on her own. She believes living there is better for her child than living on the streets. Though I’m starting to ... Kana

    Thank you Kana. If I remember right,he offered her a place wherever she wanted and she refused because she wanted to be independent and do it on her own. Yet,she run back home! Crazy!

    Kana November 12, 2020 8:00 pm
    Thank you Kana. If I remember right,he offered her a place wherever she wanted and she refused because she wanted to be independent and do it on her own. Yet,she run back home! Crazy! AFTER EIGHT

    Yeah, it’s pretty impressive that she has any pride left after what happened to her. She definitely would have been better off accepting his offer. I guess she thinks any where away from under him is better. Maybe she’ll learn to trust him enough to leave that place.

    Usako November 12, 2020 8:20 pm
    Yeah, it’s pretty impressive that she has any pride left after what happened to her. She definitely would have been better off accepting his offer. I guess she thinks any where away from under him is better. ... Kana

    Yeah, it's not like she had a friend she could live with for a while . . . oh wait . . . she does! But oh well

    AFTER EIGHT November 13, 2020 9:05 am
    Yeah, it's not like she had a friend she could live with for a while . . . oh wait . . . she does! But oh well Usako
