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Ohh the nosebleed~!

ExxCellius June 13, 2015 10:29 pm

what in the world? I though for sure that Shiro is a werewolves or a vampire but he can't be both can he? Since he change into a white wolf in chapter 1or 2. However, he used a sword, that's unlike a werewolves. Am I the only one confused?!!!

By the way, I read a fanfiction that have a similar settling and plot to this dj but the anime was for Sekaichi Hatsukoi. You guys could find it on just search for complete work on Sekaiichi hatsukoi on Takano and Ritsu...

    BlackMistress October 20, 2015 2:20 am

    vampires r able to transform into a multitude of animals. At least tht's how the legends go.