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Chapter 8 (spoilers)

pRAk June 16, 2015 3:11 am

It feels so out of place in this collection...
I liked the other chapters, but this one was a no-no.

That was pedophilia. And that is one thing I am NOT ok with, not even in manga or any other form of fiction.
Seriously, after the scene with Ernest and the music teacher I thought the priest would rape the boy. Especially when we see the door close ominously and then we see the little boy crying in his room. Fortunetly he didn't.
Then when Ernest knocked on his window I thought it was his spirit. The shadows made it look like his legs were fading and going through the tree. And he appeared right after the boy had asked how Ernest would be...

It may have been the only chapter with no graphic scenes, but it was messed up.

    pRAk June 16, 2015 3:18 am

    the spoilers are only about the oneshot in this chapter

    Gemini November 1, 2015 5:23 pm

    Yup. Agreed