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Idk why it has such a high rating

Queenkelly November 12, 2020 8:40 am

She’s a pushover, I swear she would’ve been raped, turned into a slave, and had dead eyes by the end if she weren’t “saved” by all those “handsome knights and nobles.” If she were kept by that slave trader, she would fall in love with him because he would be so “kind and gentle” to her basically Stockholm syndrome. Ugh, it only has one chapter and they already make me hate it. Bye, hope you guys hate it as much as I did. If you haven’t read it yet save your eyes and braincells and just nope out. I like kind/sorta naive characters but when it gets to the point where she’d be a burden, gets saved all the time and just let's everyone do everything for her, it just gets too much for me. She just saw a woman get beat to death and she has the audacity to say that slave trader boss has “kind and gentle eyes?” Lol you got me there. I know, “circumstances/backstory” right?
