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Usagi-moron is annoying the hell out of me!!!...Hanzo should just dump her ass...who cares...

Akoini June 16, 2015 4:47 pm

Usagi-moron is annoying the hell out of me!!!...Hanzo should just dump her ass...who cares about her talent with herbal medicine...she should just make medicine to cure her stupidity.

    CrystalAris July 2, 2015 11:49 pm

    I loved this story, though I do agree her stupidity flies far and wide and it defiantly needs to be cured, though ... after 'that' incident she became reliable for a good while... then reverted back to stupid. I mean she does have her moments that she's not so stupid and she even seems like a strong person (but only in parts). I think her stupidity was used as comic relief, defiantly over used. Still the story was good, if its your first read go for it, but after a few rereads (personally I) need to be in the mood to read again

    k_brooks13 July 19, 2015 8:24 pm
    I loved this story, though I do agree her stupidity flies far and wide and it defiantly needs to be cured, though ... after 'that' incident she became reliable for a good while... then reverted back to stupid. ... CrystalAris

    Stupid people deserve happiness too...poor stupid people

    CrystalAris July 19, 2015 10:22 pm
    Stupid people deserve happiness too...poor stupid people k_brooks13

    I'm not trying to be mean, I just wish she'd learn from her mistakes a little, she defiantly has her moments and I'm happy for her (while understanding Hanzo's frustration). Though I do love the ending, would have loved it even more if the daughter got her first love but oh well.

    night light November 12, 2016 5:02 am

    lol idk if she is really stupid or act innocence but yeah sometimes i felt irritated with her, she never learnt from her mistakes n did the same thing again n again especially kame's case