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The two chapters are different versions of the same story

pRAk June 17, 2015 11:03 pm

The two chapters are like different versions of the same story, or two stories based on the same plot.

It reminds me of when there is a "chapter 0" that is a prologue, or a one-shot. and then the one-shot becomes a series and the story changes a bit.
It feels like the chapter 1 of this series is that "chapter 0". And that the chapter 2 is from the actual series.
But chapter 2 here seems to be the actual chapter 2, because there seems to be something missing from the beginning. I feels like who updated this (which I thank them) forgot to also upload the actual chapter 1. And it doesn't feel like it is the end either.
So, there may be more chapters (sorry, too lazy right now to check).

Again, thank you so much to whoever uploaded this manga here. And also thank you to the scanlatorsヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Giakou October 21, 2017 5:57 pm

    Yeah, the actual chapter one is missing. I read it on another manga-site. Chapter 1 here is a one-shot. That's why this manga has that tag, I guess. =)