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Maybe people who are more versed with the tale of Genji will be able to offer an insight,...

Anonymous November 13, 2020 8:22 am

Maybe people who are more versed with the tale of Genji will be able to offer an insight, but from a vague knowledge Genji was a bit of a prick wasn't he? Yes he was very much of his time and status, a womanizer who wasn't that nice to his ladies, having an incestous relationship and raping one of his girlfriend's brothers when she refused to sleep with him! This version of "Genji" seems very tame and polite in comparison, even if he did think the MC was a nun.

    greytanuki May 22, 2021 4:36 am

    Yes, but the difference in class should also be considered. For noblemen, pursuing non aristocratic women was considered shameless or a lack of good sense or etiquette. I'm not sure if he considers the FL as a noblewoman or just some kind of servant or something along those lines. But I agree that to modern readers, Genji would be considered a creepy uncle, that kidnaps a little girl to have her as a lover afterwards and that does not take "no" for an answer.