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i really didn't like the advice that the woman gave minami it's never good to "keep attack...

Mellowchellow June 19, 2015 11:04 am

i really didn't like the advice that the woman gave minami it's never good to "keep attacking them" or "be persistent" if a person doesn't like you they never will don't harass people

    MheartMANGA July 2, 2015 1:09 am

    If they don't believe you, then to prove it you should be persistent is what I think she was saying.

    Nori October 5, 2015 8:16 am

    I think continuing to try is fine but don't grab their arm/hand and or make stupid promises like I'll love you forever and i'll stay with you forever. Attacking gently I suppose?! It doesn't make sense though XD Oh well, I've been told that I'm confusing.

    Firefly October 14, 2015 4:13 pm

    I don't think 'attacking' means exactly what it means to us. I don't think she meant it in the physical sense but to just keep confessing. Sometimes things just don't translate because of cultural nuances.

    mischiefgrrl November 20, 2015 3:28 pm
    I don't think 'attacking' means exactly what it means to us. I don't think she meant it in the physical sense but to just keep confessing. Sometimes things just don't translate because of cultural nuances. @Firefly

    It took me forever to get the idea that "confessing " didn't mean taking responsibility for a guilty action. "Attacking" would translate more precisely to American English as "making a pass." Translating metaphor is weird.

    Slipmaskin October 1, 2018 3:05 am

    I think you missed her point. What she's saying is that someone who is older will have a harder time taking a confession like that seriously from someone who is much younger, and so they have to prove that their like is sincere and genuine by being a bit more persistent about it. I felt that it wast solid advice.