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Still hadn't read it, but the blurb reminds me of another, similar harlequin story i've re...

Anonym June 20, 2015 10:42 pm

Still hadn't read it, but the blurb reminds me of another, similar harlequin story i've read (& liked) a few years ago.
In that they did a tv programme with shotgun weddings. Couples went on the show, one asked the other if they wanted to marry them, then if the answer was 'yes' they got married on live television and thats where things get interesting. Our heroine sings up for the show to nudge her boyfriend, after a long engament, in the right direction, but he rejects her on the spot. To save her from public humilation -and his brother from a lawsuit- the channel owner's brother (who happens to be a millionare - who would have thought so?) steps up as a back-up groom. He asks an old friend of his who is/was some kind of priest to do the ceremony, cause he thinks it wouldn't be legal then. Unfourtunately for him, he doesn't listen to his friend when he tries to tell him that in any other case he would be right, but the state they are in recognizes his power to marry people.
