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Great collection of stories!!!

Suggababi June 22, 2015 12:09 am

My favorite highlights: CH.1 Hirayama to Kuniyoshi- Why do you keep slapping me? (Conclusion-love really hurts when your partner keeps slapping you.) CH.3 Takahasi to Senda- What did you want from me? Should I have opened my eyes? (I was screaming my head off-like the computer can hear me-I knew it I knew he was woke!!). CH. 4 Mishima san do you like it? or not? You're crying so much...
They were all pretty good. Now CH. 2... Maybe I thought too hard about this chapter but all I know is poison should have been fixed for 2! Dad obviously had something going on w/the uncle but married the mom-that's what they were arguing about the night of the funeral. I also believe that's what Akihisa was going to ask Dad about when he faked his chest pains. It's too late for ya'll but you can use your look alike son to appease him when you stabbed him. You have the means to get rid of him but only do this after your son is abused/raped?? Was Dad still in love with the uncle and that why it took so long...then why not give up your own body? Dad & Uncle both twisted Mister's! Meh! Just glad Akihisa was able to get with gardener in the end; CH. 5- all I can say is now that's some kind of appreciation incentives and I should just be glad he didn't kill himself. Glad he didn't open the door for the boss. Our emotions make us weak sometimes but that don't mean you have to stay weak!

    sari desu June 2, 2016 7:34 am

    そうだね でも。。スパ SEXY!! (@><@")