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imiteishia June 22, 2015 3:17 pm

When Muzaka said that he had that power before the contract, and the fact he repeated it twice makes me wonder if Frankenstein has more power with the contract but doesn't use it all no matter what situation he is? Or could it be he needed to repeated twice just to get on Frankenstein Nerves?? lol But still a great chapter like always <3

    Venus June 22, 2015 5:53 pm

    Frankenstein powers are restricted by Raizel command so yeah he has more power than what has been shown. If I remember correctly it was Frankie who tricked Rai into a contract by giving him his blood mixed in tea so I think he did not received any specific powers from Rai since he did not received Rais blood... (more like Frankie became Rai slave ;))

    imiteishia June 22, 2015 7:39 pm
    Frankenstein powers are restricted by Raizel command so yeah he has more power than what has been shown. If I remember correctly it was Frankie who tricked Rai into a contract by giving him his blood mixed in t... @Venus

    Oh no i already know his powers are restricted, and the whole his powers are in par with a clan leader is common knowledge already. Plus if you notice in the most recent chapter he no longer has his powers restricted he used whenever he wants plus he is able to release them without his master commands just that he prefers having permission because he doesn't want to go against his orders so it isn't really restricted. My question was if the contract gave him more powers that those he already had since before the contract became active?? Frankenstein doesn't need to drink his blood to form of contract and gain his powers, because a contract is form when the noble takes the blood of the contractee and both agree to the contract.(That was explained by the lord) Than they are reborn with powers smiler to that of a noble clan leader, Frankenstein powers were already par with a clan leader before the contract so with the contract it means that he should have power smiler to that of a noble. (Not power level, smiler as in having powers only a noble should have).... Also he is a servant because the contracts states that a noble can make the contractee become subjected to them. Btw Frankenstein is happy being a slave/ servant since it means staying by his side forever.

    Venus June 23, 2015 12:30 am

    I get what you are saying, and the contract you are describing its that formed between a normal human and a noble (vampire). Then think about it Frankenstein was not normal at the time of the contract (he had experimented on himself a lot) plus Rai is not a simple noble but the NOBLESSE who stand above all, which means their contract could be quite different...

    imiteishia June 23, 2015 1:53 am
    I get what you are saying, and the contract you are describing its that formed between a normal human and a noble (vampire). Then think about it Frankenstein was not normal at the time of the contract (he had e... @Venus

    Actually the contract is for humans (Modified Humans) are also fit in that category (AKA the 13th Elder). Wouldn't u think that if it was only for Normal Humans than the Old Lord Wouldn't have mentioned it towards Frankenstein since he was already modified. The Fact That The Old Lord was the one who explained about the Contract, it means that the Noblesse, the lord, Baby Nobles and Clan Leaders all fit in the category Nobles and the Contract is the same regardless.(Sometimes the Lord would bother the Peacock asking him if he made a contract already, if it was different than the Old Lord wouldn't have said anything.) Although, i do believe that the contract is different in regarding the powers you gain, since the Nobblesse is the strongest noble = stronger powers. Think about what Muzaka said in the chapter, your powers has been their before the contact was formed. He mentioned again this time with his eye's open and a lot more serious. Frakenstein didn't react well he even called him a Big Mouth because he couldn't keep a secret. It is a common knowledge between everyone (Bad Guys Included) that Frankenstein has a contract with Rai, so he shouldn't have gotten mad (Most Bad Guys Figured that his powers are including the powers he gain from the Contract, that why it was a surprise for the 2 werewolves). So it could be a possibility that there are more powers that Frankenstein has but doesn't use them. Frankenstein did say that he isn't making a contract to gain something from it he wants to make one to bind him self to RAI. So that could be the reason why he might not use these hidden powers. (Of course all could be a possibility...) <3 [Wow i sure write a lot] lol

    lolkika June 23, 2015 4:22 pm

    Now that you mentioned it, I remember the previous lord saying something like that...
    He probably never use it...

    imiteishia June 23, 2015 7:03 pm
    Now that you mentioned it, I remember the previous lord saying something like that... He probably never use it... lolkika

    Exactly what i was thinking when i read the recent chapter. it would be kind of cool if he did have some unknown powers he doesn't wish to use even if he is close to death. Although it is a theory i have... <3

    lolkika June 23, 2015 7:50 pm
    Exactly what i was thinking when i read the recent chapter. it would be kind of cool if he did have some unknown powers he doesn't wish to use even if he is close to death. Although it is a theory i have... <... imiteishia

    In my opinion, the trigger for that's probably Rai...
    like if if's in danger or something...

    imiteishia June 23, 2015 8:28 pm
    In my opinion, the trigger for that's probably if if's in danger or something... lolkika

    Actually that makes more sense than not choosing to use it. Maybe Rai has a type of seal placed on these powers and doesn't release them because it might be to much for Frankenstein to handle. Another theory i came up with, is that these new powers uses up Rai life force, so maybe Frankenstein who care too much about Rai and doesn't want to see him use his powers decided never to use it... (<--It is a theory that i hate) well let's just wait and see if the near future we are correct about this.... :3

    lolkika June 23, 2015 8:35 pm


    Huyen June 27, 2015 7:45 am
    Frankenstein powers are restricted by Raizel command so yeah he has more power than what has been shown. If I remember correctly it was Frankie who tricked Rai into a contract by giving him his blood mixed in t... @Venus

    Hic sorry, i accidently hit "annoying" thouh i didnt mean that ( ̄∇ ̄")

    bae_ June 28, 2015 12:52 am

    it would be cool if they wouldnt restrict raitzel's powers so much, with the life force thing...

    Venus June 29, 2015 9:06 pm

    Well I know for a fact that contracts can be formed with both non modified humans (which I called normal in previous comments) and modified ones. When I described Frankenstein as a modified human I meant that his blood and genetics were altered, unlike a non modified human and that fact may have some kind of change in what the contract meant, the powers that he may have acquired and the restrictions that may have been put on him. Plus Raizel is not a common noble so his powers may have another kind of effect on his contractee...

    Giakou July 8, 2015 4:22 pm
    it would be cool if they wouldnt restrict raitzel's powers so much, with the life force thing... bae_

    It would be way to easy wins if he could use his powers freely. Noone would stand a chance against him and he would have killed all the elders in like 5 seconds. xD

    lovely July 9, 2015 6:18 am
    Actually that makes more sense than not choosing to use it. Maybe Rai has a type of seal placed on these powers and doesn't release them because it might be to much for Frankenstein to handle. Another theory i ... imiteishia

    I beg to differ on the theory that he is using Rai's life force, if he was I think Frank might not use it at all coz it would be same and diminishing Rai's life. But the seal is more correct based on the previous chapter. I also think Frank became the violent he was due to his old student who was attacked by the villagers just because he was friends with Frank.