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ok im rly confused because there are over 1000 chapters of the novel, even if they’re sh...

maysenjar November 15, 2020 1:46 am

ok im rly confused because there are over 1000 chapters of the novel, even if they’re shorter, that would still mean like 500 chapters of this manhwa??? there’s no way???

    Yohan's glasses November 15, 2020 10:27 am

    I'm reading the novel as of now and I noticed that they didn't put every detail onto the comic. The only reason why there are many chapters is because of description and its also short. With an average speed of reading, you can read it for less than a minute and the whole chapter isn't written in just a 'single chapter', some are cut off. I've been only reading for three days and I'm past 300 chapters now, if I'm not busy with my daily life then I would've easily read past 600 chapters by now lol. Tho I'm guessing we'll have 250+ episodes of this manhua (not sure), since they've only shortened it and kept it PG at most?