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Can someone please explain what just happened because I am all kinds of confused πŸ˜…

Semele November 15, 2020 4:08 pm

Can someone please explain what just happened because I am all kinds of confused

    Yerenica <3 November 15, 2020 5:48 pm

    before he didnt knew abt her at all ig theres something that the mother did or something that happened that made them forgot each other bcs even the Noel forgot some memories of her mother. Anyways, the prince and Noel died and that was the greatest challenge they will have. Since the prince wish is to be loved, it came true bcs of Noel but sadly they died but the wish did came true and that caused for him to be back alive again but only remembering everything that happened before he came back alive. Ofc noel wouldnt remember anything bcs it wasnt her who wished to be loved and bcs its also the prince job to protect her after what had happened before. In this life, his duty is to find her and protect her at all cost and thats the reason why he remembers everything abt the past. There will be some changes in the story from what had happened in the past chapters but you'll see why the title was "why are you doing this, my duke?!" Anyways to make it more clearer, The prince and Noel was brought back to life but Noel didnt have her memories from her past life before she was reincarnated again but the prince have the memories bcs he was the one that wished for something and that was to be loved. It came true and now his job is to protect her at all cost so that the past does not repeat itself and love her truly without the black magic but his true self.

    I hope this helped you understand it more :))

    Yerenica <3 November 15, 2020 5:49 pm

    Correction: I wrote prince instead of duke ignore that. But jus saying that im talking abt the duke here not the "prince"

    Semele November 15, 2020 5:52 pm
    before he didnt knew abt her at all ig theres something that the mother did or something that happened that made them forgot each other bcs even the Noel forgot some memories of her mother. Anyways, the prince ... Yerenica <3

    This makes a lot more sense now thank you sooooo much γƒΎ(❀╹◑╹)οΎ‰~