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Hello, could you pls let me know which anime or manga does below description belongs to!?

thesouza November 16, 2020 3:10 am

Here is the description-this is an Old anime and This is all I remember-

Female lead is black hair girl who wears glasses to hid her ability to see supernatural creatures like spirits and Demons. She is also a priestesses and she have ability to make flowers bloom when she sings and she do this in front of ML.
Her mother also have same ability and she left her when FL is young. And the ML inherited right to protect FL even though he doesn’t like it.

And both of them join a school where there will bunch of other student who either exorcism spirits or fight them and he always helps FL when she is in pinch.

And one their friends are triplets-boy, girl and a spirit.

Apologies that I couldn’t help with better details and explanation. Appreciate you help in advance.
