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Nagisa November 16, 2020 4:55 am

Anyone who understood why the male friend felt awkward with his group of friends?? Was the female friend in love with Sol? (I never understood what happened there)

    Kyu December 11, 2020 5:05 am

    The male friend liked the orange hair dude and that's why he felt awkward.(refer to the song heather by conan grey, the message is similar). And it's the same with the long hair female friend, she was also in love with sol but didnt want to tell her because it would complicate their relationship

    suwonii January 11, 2021 7:23 pm

    i don't think he was in love w jihoon, i just think he realized that sol didn't like jihoon as much as jihoon liked her and he didn't want jihoon to be hurt bc of that
    he felt like smth was strange ab their relationship since the misunderstanding hadn't been cleared yet