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She's a simple lady and that he could fall for her,it's unbelievable. Anyways,it's a good ...

Anonymous June 25, 2015 11:43 pm

She's a simple lady and that he could fall for her,it's unbelievable. Anyways,it's a good story despite the fact that I'm not familiar with those names or classical music.

    dibbled39 May 14, 2017 5:46 am

    Lorna Doone are shortbread cookies that I buy when I want something sweet. I didn't know it was a song. lol

    Comadrin January 1, 2021 3:32 am
    Lorna Doone are shortbread cookies that I buy when I want something sweet. I didn't know it was a song. lol dibbled39

    It's not a song, it's an historical novel about the late 17th century in England, written in 1869. It's worth reading, although not the calibre of Jane Austin or Sir Walter Scott. Puccini considered writing an opera based on the story.