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fuck kozue shes a terrible person. she verbally abuses takumi, uses him, visits whenever S...

Kimo.i November 17, 2020 2:11 am

fuck kozue shes a terrible person. she verbally abuses takumi, uses him, visits whenever SHE wants, but then basically cheats on him with her ex even tho SHE was cheated on by HIM???? makes no fucking sense, i dint give a shit if its cute and shes a tsundere, that kinda behavior is so childish I HAVE SO MANY ISSUES WITH THIS BITCH!!!! i could go on and on lmfao

    Hoe-shi November 17, 2020 2:18 am

    Omg yesss. I get that she and the apartment guy aren't dating/exclusive... But for her to verbally abuse him like that and trample on his feelings???