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shookirashookira November 18, 2020 11:05 am

alright i cried alriight esp when he's going to die already. idk if it's just me reading too much cancer stories but the moment i saw hiro wearing beanie and getting thin, i knew he's gonna die bc of cancer.

• shocked when hiro went from good loving bf to inhaling thinner lmao it gave me a freakin good laugh

• lmaod when nozumo went "oh bro u inhaling thinner bro? i want it too since im here already, try it too aya-chan, mika-chan" lmao

• annoyed at yuu and mika when they broke up
also at mika always saying "tha- that's not... thats!" she cant even complete her "that's not it!" sentence and im like let me help you finish that up for u

• angry at aya being like "all the boys like u but not me i want boyfriend too. if i aint happy u shouldn't too"

but yeah it's good, but not much.

    Shenelle December 2, 2020 6:11 pm

    Aya's not a real friend. She's the type of person who's with you at your best but not at your worst.

    shookirashookira December 2, 2020 6:54 pm
    Aya's not a real friend. She's the type of person who's with you at your best but not at your worst. Shenelle

    YES YES!! We dont need a friend like that :<

    Shenelle December 2, 2020 7:08 pm

    the way she dropped her friend like a hot potato when she misunderstood something? meh. not worth it.