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okay tbh idk if he’s against them bc they’re both men or if it’s bc it’s his best ...

zeromae November 18, 2020 6:18 pm

okay tbh idk if he’s against them bc they’re both men or if it’s bc it’s his best friend and brother. honestly speaking, if i caught my best friend fucking my brother for the past couple months i would be genuinely upset and would def need space. i don’t think i’d react the same way, but from his perspective i could see why he’s really upset if it’s over the fact that he caught his best friend and brother in a relationship. obv if he’s against it cuz they’re gay that’s wrong but this is just from my perspective lolll

    mangamoss November 18, 2020 6:36 pm

    Yeah I agree especially since they did it while he was in room at night