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ML is no picnic and yes they were both deceived by her father... but after finding everyth...

Raimey November 19, 2020 7:57 am

ML is no picnic and yes they were both deceived by her father... but after finding everything out she still chooses to stupidly believe in and forgive her father and then has the nerve to get angry at ML for choosing his childs happiness and well-being above his own happiness. Yes of course he chose his child over the mother. What kind of a person doesn’t choose their child’s happiness over there owns? I assume that if she had to choose between dumping her kid with the royal family and staying with her man she would’ve chosen her man over her kid. That’s the feeling I’m getting because she was just so insulted and betrayed and shocked that a man loved his child more than himself. Fucking A she was so annoying. Yes of course he chose his child over the mother. Obviously out of the two parents he was the better one and deserved better than her. Why not try to physically leave the island? Why not try to use a phone? Why not deliver the letters by herself or fight the annulment in the first place? She allowed herself to be sold off and engaged to another man like chattel and it was an insignificant thing anyway since the breaking of the engagement meant nothing. Her dad literally tried to marry her off just because he could and yet stupid FL seems to not see anything wrong with that? UGH I hate this one I haven’t hated a FL in any of these as much as I hate her.

    Amita4ever February 11, 2021 7:55 am

    I can't hate her as much as you. Firstly, since King Dad was intercepting all their communications and they were both dealing with the, 'Nope, you don't got mail,' scenario. They both could only assume the other wasn't as serious as they'd thought they were. As to delivering them herself, I don't think it would have been as easy as you think, especially initially. It would be hard for a princess to slip away unnoticed at anytime, and I'm betting she was double guarded until the annulment went through and she was convinced the hero had written her off, literally. At that point the princess conditioning of marrying for the kingdom's sake was probably kicking back in. It wasn't that she didn't see anything wrong with the royal engagement, but rather she didn't have a choice, and with happiness out of reach she probably didn't who cared who she was married to.

    In regards to the annulment, it was not done with her agreement. She was never consulted. Her father had it all said and done before she was ever told about it, and topped it off telling her her the hero had agreed to it. For all intents and purposes, she thought the hero had wiped his hands of her. It was the baby, and the fact she felt the hero ought to know that gave her the motive to go find him, and it was likely the fact that she was SO pregnant that let her take her guard by surprise and actually slip away. Who would expect a woman 8+ month pregnant to run away from home to find the man who abandoned her? No, I can't hate her when her dad was manipulating her to such a degree. I actually respect her that despite it all, she came to find the hero anyways.

    No, the one I'm furious with is the hero. He was manipulated just like she was, but unlike her who took the incentive to go against the king and deliberately seek out the hero without even knowing if he would accept her and her baby, he instead, very deliberately, and fully well knowing the heroine had renewed her love for him and was willing to fight for a future with him and their baby, wrote her off to be a single dad. And it wasn't so much why he did it - we won't argue that had the kid's best interest at heart - it was the HOW he did it. She nailed it on the head... "without consulting me." While she was talking to him and making plans to fight for a future for the three of them, he was going behind her back from the get go to try and find a way to steal her child away from her - to strip her of her parental rights and finagle full custody. If there was someone to hate in this story, not including the king who was the source of all this contention and didn't care about his daughter's feelings one whit from the beginning, I would have to put forth the hero. The whole story was ruined for me the moment he signed that agreement.