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LOVE THISSS buuuuttt . . . .

Fetish Love November 19, 2020 3:41 pm

He could have totally found a woman who'd take the lead and dominate him, he just had to keep looking, learn to pick better, or before they get to the bedroom be straight up front with the ladies about his wants so that he can have all his little subby fantasies come true.
Would have been fantastic to get a character like Haesoo paired with his very own Domme or multiple dominating partners - like how in the other work, Temptress, didn't stick with just 1 person for the MC there.
Anyone else agree?
I really hope something like this gets created because there is a severe lack of female characters who take the lead, dominate their partner, and ISN"T abusive or nonconsensually forceful about it.

The other thing that bothered me was how the black haired male who is most likely going to be the lead partner/endgame was saying some stuff that felt misogynistic to me and was adamant in labeling Haesoo (the MC) as gay. Bi/pan exists, y'know?
If he discovers that he really truly is gay, then that's totally fine - i'll be happy for him- but it felt like the only options were either straight/hetero or gay/homo and i'm tired of other orientations being erased or ignored.

Maybe that'll change or maybe i'm the only one that's bugged about it, idk, it's still really early in the story so I guess we'll see.

٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ peace~
