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saltnpeppapig November 21, 2020 12:36 am

I read it to see what was just so bad and it's so fucking weird man, shit like this is disgusting. Props to the sicko who wrote this because they definitely though up something really fucked up. The landlord is a piece of shit and he and his daughter should've just fucking died already, scum like them aren't needed on earth. I felt bad for the ML but now that I'm skipping around to read the gist of things, I can't stand his ass either. I get that they feel helpless and the landlord piece of shit is rich and could ruin their lives, but they weren't doing shit to try and get out of that lifestyle. Really, everyone in this is fucked up in some way and just stays silent without resolving anything and all their actions just make shit worse. I'm definitely not continuing this bullshit, though I will say the artist at the end was really good. I still wanna burn my eyes though seeing that fat fuck and all these other piece of shits fuck around all the time. Lind of liked that one prostitute though, felt bad for her and liked her but of humanity that the others dont have.
