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I feel nostalgic by reading this manga. Although I didn't really have many good memories w...

haruyu July 7, 2015 12:20 pm

I feel nostalgic by reading this manga. Although I didn't really have many good memories with friends during my high school day, sometimes I missed those times... I feel like I wanted to go back time just to make sure that I do what I couldn't do back then; to make sure not to have regret like I have right now... Well, I recommended all of you to read this manga!! The story is simple but perfect!!! May all of you have a good nostalgic feeling!

    nobile January 27, 2017 6:21 pm

    I feel the same way, I can't really say I have any specially fond memories from High School (nor any miserable ones either) but there are some times that I look back and think that that time was the only time where I was close enough to adulthood to have some freedom but close enough to childhood that I could just goof off with no regrets. Once you graduate and go to college/work, it all just seems to fade away and unless you happen to be partnered up with something close to a soul-mate, your life won't be as bright as it was back then.

    Mysterious X March 31, 2017 10:47 am

    I was mostly a loner in highschool. I have a few friends but I doubt they were even being real friends. Highschool is a place for dramas, backstabbing and bullying. Yeah I don't want to re live highschool days. The one thing I regret is not confessing to my crush and taking graduation picture or even go to prom.

    GlamAngel3766 March 20, 2020 11:22 pm
    I was mostly a loner in highschool. I have a few friends but I doubt they were even being real friends. Highschool is a place for dramas, backstabbing and bullying. Yeah I don't want to re live highschool days.... @Mysterious X

    At least High School isn't Middle School. THOSE times were h*ll on Earth. It was a modern wild west of bullies and the bullied. No in-between existed in 6th through 8th grade.

    nobile March 27, 2020 4:43 am

    Yeah, in high school I applied what I learned from being bullied in middle school and grew a skin thick enough that I wasn't fazed with other people's drama.
    Middle school was the worst.