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I’m a bit confused about the setting? When I first started reading it seemed almost like...

ryuxyoru November 23, 2020 2:24 pm

I’m a bit confused about the setting? When I first started reading it seemed almost like a historical drama based off the buildings and attire. However it also showed images of some things that are modern? So now I’m just not sure what kind of setting this story has.

    Cyxx November 23, 2020 3:16 pm

    Despite being the modern world, this is set in a palace which lives off traditional Korean culture. That’s why the use hanboks and pretty much everything looks like it’s part of a historical setting.
    They seem to preserve the titles here too.

    ryuxyoru November 24, 2020 12:16 pm
    Despite being the modern world, this is set in a palace which lives off traditional Korean culture. That’s why the use hanboks and pretty much everything looks like it’s part of a historical setting.They se... Cyxx

    Oh ok. Thank you for elaborating on that!