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Singniture_here November 23, 2020 7:00 pm

I dont think he feels guilt that he has all the luck. At least thats not really how they have been showing him like. I believe that he just plainly wishes he could die to be with them. He wishes he wasnt lucky so he doesnt have to live without them. I dont think guilt is a part of it i dont think he thinks its his fault. If he did think it was his fault wouldnt he wish for more luck so they wouldnt be in a crash to begain with.

    JustAFujoshi November 23, 2020 8:42 pm

    But didn't he write that before the accident and they died, So I think he regrets being lucky and getting tired of it. Just what I think. ╮( ̄ ﹏ ̄)╭

    Singniture_here November 24, 2020 4:42 am

    I defently think he doesnt like being lucky and wishes he never was but i dont think he feels guilty. I think he knows its not his fault but he hates his luck for not letting him die with his family. I know noramlly people have survivors guilt but idk if its just me but i dont think he has that. I think he blames everything on his luck. Becaus theres something to blame he doesnt feel guilt for there death