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I only watch the Anime. I didn't read this yet. But why is this labeled as smut? Which cha...

Anonymous July 9, 2015 9:33 pm

I only watch the Anime. I didn't read this yet. But why is this labeled as smut? Which chapter(s) are the smut part?

    m0difiedghoul July 12, 2015 8:00 pm

    There is a lot that they left out of the anime, there is certain parts that are so called "smut." If you were to read there are are scenes that have some sexual intake. I hope this helped you! and plus, there is only one season of the anime. There is a lot more that is to come and happen. I recommend you read it, it's very good. ・ω・

    Anonymous July 13, 2015 8:05 pm
    There is a lot that they left out of the anime, there is certain parts that are so called "smut." If you were to read there are are scenes that have some sexual intake. I hope this helped you! and plus, there i... m0difiedghoul

    Okay thanks. ^^

    manganime August 30, 2015 5:46 pm

    Labeling this smut was stupid. There sex later the main couple's relationship, but it's hardly smutty. They've been committed and in love and it's shown tastefully. This is not erotica.