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Interesting! Took me so long to understand...

Keith July 10, 2015 2:34 am

I read this so many times, but I finally understand one part of it. At first, I didn't get what Prince Jed meant by saying Prince Nicole saved him, but now I do kinda...I hope. It was because Prince Jed was ready to let Nicole go, even if Jed didn't want to. Jed already knew someday Nicole will grow up and get a wife and all, of course he didn't want that. However, when Jed heard what Nicole said to his father, Jed felt relieved somewhat. Jed was happy to hear that Nicole doesn't want to grow up with Jed. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Lost-Fudanshi December 4, 2015 4:12 pm

    He saved him literally though too by going to the king and begging for Mercy. He's the one who softened the cruel king's heart, and changed his mind about his evil plans. He's the reason the king lets Jed fake his death and escape at the end instead of executing him for treason for real.