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Feels like deja vu

unknownsourceoo November 24, 2020 7:05 pm

I think I've seen this somewhere before and Noi is actually a real person he's pretending he's a robot to get closer to Eun Chae? Idk I think somewhere along Eun Chae found out and kinda felt cheated and stuff wtf am I remembering is this all only a dream

    Nagisa November 25, 2020 4:22 am

    So I've looked at the raws and SPOILER ALERT DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANNA GET SPOILED ........................................................................So it seems like the "creator"? (Idrk I can't speak korean) of the robot thingies looks exactly like noi but they arent the same person. So no I dont think hes pretending to be a robot thingie (Iforgot what they are called T^T). Sorry for my english it isnt my first language

    LazyParrot November 26, 2020 1:55 pm

    You probably talking about another series that had the same robot/ai theme. (sorry forgot the title) The creator posed as a robot because a misunderstanding but ended up falling for the buyer.

    unknownsourceoo November 28, 2020 5:25 am
    You probably talking about another series that had the same robot/ai theme. (sorry forgot the title) The creator posed as a robot because a misunderstanding but ended up falling for the buyer. LazyParrot

    Ooh which one was it agn? Do u remember the title cuz I don't