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Short review: This was pretty bad. Can't recommend it. Long review (contains spoilers): ...

Lauvil November 25, 2020 2:14 pm

Short review: This was pretty bad. Can't recommend it.

Long review (contains spoilers):

Ch 1: Girl is a bitch who goes out with multiple guys at a time and views her bf as a pet.
Guy thinks being lonely justifies him trying to rape her. Ofc she forgives him anyway. Sigh...

Ch. 2: Guy is a sadistic prick who does whatever he wants to the girl without considering her feelings or listening to her protests.
Girl apparently doesn't care, when it comes down to it, as long as she gets to be his gf.

Ch. 3: Same couple as before. Wasn't too bad. At least their play was consensual this time.

Ch. 4: High school girl x teacher.
Teacher apparently thinks it's completely okay to get sexually involved with his students (as he's now done it twice) as long as he doesn't get caught. He also seems to have a sadistic streak and no problem playing with the girl's heart and body.
Girl is apparently OK with all of this, she even instigates and encourages it. Sigh...

Ch. 5: About a couple who has sex for the first time in a while. It was okay, but pretty bland.

Ch. 6: Girl gets mad at her bf for watching porn. Then they have makeup sex, but she still doesn't want him to watch porn. Like, chill out, sis.

Ch. 7: Bastard playboy does it with a lot of different girls where his crush can see them, instead of just confessing to her.
Girl is just...doing nothing about the situation, not even when he pushes her to have sex with him...
