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Art/story Complaints

Hanne July 13, 2015 7:40 pm

Gosh, all these art/story complaints! The original first chapter of this manga was not intended to be serialized, thus Yamane sensei probably had more time to draw the first chapter. And do all the scans come from the original pulp magazines or from the more refined tankoban?
We don't know, but obviously the look will vary a little over the course of 12 years as sensei becomes more accustomed to what she is drawing. If a famous artist is asked to keep redrawing the same image year after year there will be some evolution in style.
If you look at the works of Kubo (for Bleach) you will see the same thing. Instead of complaining about this, why don't you all consider that sensei has only three weeks to do the drawings for each chapter (because she has another manga she is working on at the same time and sometimes is required to fit an 'extra in too) and also has to keep up a consistent storyline. I have read novels by authors where they will miss details or accidentally change character names/descriptions form previous volumes, or poke holes in their own plots if they have to continue a series for a number of years. Please quit bellyaching, sensei is merely human and does not rely on a computer to keep images totally consistent, and I for one, enjoy the variation, as it shows that these images are all 'free drawn".
Rant over.

    What's with your July 13, 2015 11:46 pm

    I agree with you. Do your know how hard it is to put all this together. it is time consuming, instead of bitch in about how long it takes to release the new chapter and how short it is, JUST be happy you still getting to read and see your favorite characters. For me , I am glad its here.

    Lightasus July 13, 2015 11:55 pm

    First chapter is the same in the tankoubon. I don't think she'd send an unfinished oneshot in a magazine, obviously she had more time.

    Lately I'm just missing the Takaba from chapter 45 ^^'. Loved him there more than ever, aha. Not a fan of the "all cute/wifey" one we have in the last couple chapters, and I'm not talking only about the art. Hopefully he'll get back to that after some of the drama. If not, oh well... Get Asami's hair back up at least 8).

    I mean, of course the the way characters are depicted matters, some will like it, some won't. It's not like she got worse at drawing or anything. It's just about tastes and what you got attached to. Even if the evolution is only natural...

    Personally, I'm a bit heartbroken, I can get where people are coming from ^^'

    Anon July 14, 2015 12:58 am

    Your rant was longer than the damn story