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I just can't get this

ShonaNingyo July 16, 2015 10:39 pm

To me the author has a real problem with telling instead of showing. Apparenly Jaewoo is infatuated with Dai, totally entranced by him. How? Why? If she wanted to be literary about it, she should have written a novel instead of slapping pieces of poetic narration in the manwha. Usually stuff like that comes after character development and the establishment of the relationship, not before it's even happened. It really irks me how off-hand everything is. "Oh Dai is cool, you guys. Jaewoo thinks so." How about showing me some of that then instead of just telling me and then takin off from there?

And if you tell me that yes that stuff does happen, I'm either not seeing it or it's not being executed in a way that I find satisfactory. I don't know, manwha seem to be a bit more superficial and shallow when it comes to this sort of thing, at least from the manwha I've read. And for manga, they can be too melodramatic.

    Anonymous August 5, 2015 6:16 pm

    Just because you don't get this manhwa, it doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't get it too.I and many other people have found those "slapped pieces of poetic narration" to be very beautiful and meaningful.I don't know how you feel about the art, but if this had been a novel, I'd have missed so many things that make this manhwa what it is to me, coz the art is outstanding.

    "Apparenly Jaewoo is infatuated with Dai, totally entranced by him.How? Why?".Does everything in this world require a reason? It just happened, that's all.You might not believe in stuff like that, but there are really times when you're just captivated by someone, not for their looks, just that person.It has to be that person, no one else.Maybe it sounds corny and silly to some, but when there are people who haven't experienced such things, there must be people who have experienced it too(and unfortunately, I haven't).

    "Usually stuff like that comes after character development and the establishment of the relationship, not before it's even happened", well, then, this isn't like the usual manga, not every manga is "the usual".

    "Oh Dai is cool, you guys. Jaewoo thinks so".Please tell me how many people said that and where it's said.

    It isn't easy being a mangaka.If we aren't able to appreciate someone's work, it's fine, but we have no right to judge a mangaka, whose works we're reading for FREE to boot.This manhwa was released in 1998, so you should take into consideration the fact that it's a manhwa that was released 17 years ago.If you are in a position where you can judge others' works , then you should just create your own mangas and see how easy it might be to create it.If you have already, then kudos to you, so how many people have fallen for your manga?

    Have you even read the whole manhwa? It has elements in it that are realistic, I don't wanna spoil it for you if you haven't read it completely and perhaps change your mind and plan to read it, but I can say without hesitation that this manhwa is a unique piece.I'm not saying that this is the best work out there but even though there are manga that outshine this one, this one will remain unique, there will not be any other plot like this one and it stands out from many manga which follow the same cliche plot.Of course, there are many other truly unique works, but just as nothing else can compare to those manga, nothing else can compare to this one too.

    I'm not forcing you to feel the same way as me, but PLEASE don't try to tell the mangaka how to write a manga, since they obviously know more about it than us.There aren't many yaoi manhwa that are available online, there might be around 20 here I guess compared to the vast amount of manga, so there are definitely many many good manhwa that we've missed.If you ever read this comment of mine, I'd like to say one last thing, you may say that you're just stating your opinion,but there are good manga/manhwa/manhua or whatever and there will also be bad ones, but good and bad depends on the reader, so instead of saying that something or someone is bad, it'd be more appropriate if you say that this isn't your type of manga or mangaka.

    k_brooks13 August 25, 2015 11:01 am

    I didn't get it either personally, but I kinda chalked it up to age, I don't remember exactly how I thought at that age but I certainly think and act differently now. Somebody beat the shit out of me I'm probably not gonna fall for him...but I have noticed reviews for this manga are better with younger readers

    ShonaNingyo August 25, 2015 9:22 pm
    Just because you don't get this manhwa, it doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't get it too.I and many other people have found those "slapped pieces of poetic narration" to be very beautiful and meani... Anonymous

    "Does everything in this world require a reason?"

    That's a very stupid question. Um, of course not everything requires a reason. But last I checked, a good story would have well-illustrated motivations for characters instead of simply just letting them do whatever the hell they wanted and expect the readers to take it.

    And no, I can say something is bad if I want. In my opinion, it's bad because it seems to suffer from the tendency to lean towards wistful, lofty poetic narrative like Vampire Knight which really doesn't make any sense/it's very heavy-handed and would probably belong in the Romantic period instead of present-day.

    Nyrelle Busby December 8, 2015 12:32 am
    "Does everything in this world require a reason?" That's a very stupid question. Um, of course not everything requires a reason. But last I checked, a good story would have well-illustrated motivations for char... ShonaNingyo

    Well like he said. If you want "Well Illustrated Motivations for characters", do it yourself. Stop being a troll...

    ShonaNingyo December 8, 2015 5:03 am
    Well like he said. If you want "Well Illustrated Motivations for characters", do it yourself. Stop being a troll... Nyrelle Busby

    It's not trolling because I have an actual legitimate complaint, sooo...

    Nyrelle Busby December 9, 2015 5:51 am
    It's not trolling because I have an actual legitimate complaint, sooo... ShonaNingyo

    Well, some things don't hafta be explained. People don't hafta explain every single thing they do.

    Anonymous December 25, 2015 1:56 pm
    It's not trolling because I have an actual legitimate complaint, sooo... ShonaNingyo

    "But last I checked, a good story would have well-illustrated motivations for characters instead of simply just letting them do whatever the hell they wanted and expect the readers to take it."

    Wow!!! Are u even listening to yourself?? You're saying that you have a problem with a manhwa that you're reading for free "illegitimately" !!!!!!!!! The fuck!!!! If anyone has a problem, then its the manhwaga! Not only is her work being read for free illegally, but the people who read it also have the audacity to complain about it!!! This is the author's manhwa, she can write it however the fuck she wishes to! Poetically or not, that's totally upto her.Who the fuck are u to complain? Dont like, dont read! That it!

    And for your information, the author isn't going about forcing her work on people and asking them to read it or suffer her wrath, so what the fuck do you mean "expect the readers to take it"? She didn't say that at all!!! There's nothing wrong with saying that you don't like something, just don't go about being a rude and judgemental bitch.

    Has the author done anything, anything at all to offend you personally? She's just doing her job and is just another human trying to make a living in this world.

    Anonymous December 25, 2015 1:57 pm
    Well, some things don't hafta be explained. People don't hafta explain every single thing they do. Nyrelle Busby

    Totally agree with ya! That one's jus being a bitchy troll...

    Dylan December 28, 2015 4:11 am

    I didn't read the whole comment sense it's too long but mangaka sometime takes the creative approach when telling their story. Sometime it's up to the reader to connect the dots and find the true meaning.

    Dylan December 28, 2015 4:11 am

    I didn't read the whole comment sense it's too long but mangaka sometime takes the creative approach when telling their story. Sometime it's up to the reader to connect the dots and find the true meaning.

    ShonaNingyo December 28, 2015 6:37 pm
    "But last I checked, a good story would have well-illustrated motivations for characters instead of simply just letting them do whatever the hell they wanted and expect the readers to take it."Wow!!! Are u even... @Anonymous

    I'm only giving my opinion and arguing for said opinion. It's not law, it's not something I demand everyone else accept. You're acting as if I came out in favor of the euthanization of the elderly. Calm down.

    Some people like to be shown actual proof of a relationship as it happens and not told that, behind the scenes, something has been developing.

    "Done anything personal to offend me?" Are you serious? I hate country music but I don't hate the people who make it or believe they're personally out to make my life a living hell. They're doing their thing, I'm indulging in my thing (grunge, industrial metal, 60s oldies) which I think is much better than what they're providing.

    Yeah people have the right to write it however they ant. However you are only saying that back you enjoy it or you honestly belive that someone has the right to actually write whatever they want and that's simply not true. It's a privilege, honestly.

    But anyway, me criticizing someone's work shouldn't get their fans so up in arms because in the end I am one goddamn person on the Internet who is obviously not as successful as they are because apparently they have so many fans willing to jump on my neck for complaining a tiny bit about the author's way of telling a story. Is that illegal now, to gripe and feel frustration that they don't understand something?

    I forgot this website only demands a consensus of "yes!" or "no!". There is no room for dissenting opinions once the group has determined something is good or not.

    "Don't like, don't read". Oh I didn't know I was going to dislike it until I read it, that's the thing. I tried on three separate occasions to give this manwha a chance, you know. I thought "maybe I just really need to sit down and dig in and just READ it. Maybe I'll like it. Maybe I'll be able to understand it." but noooope, I didn't. I couldn't and I gave it the ol' college try on three separate occasions. I stopped as soon as I felt that I wasn't capable of reading with with enjoyment which was maybe the third or fourth chapter.

    Its one thing to read something all the way through and say "I hate this", it's another thing to read something all the way through despite knowing early on you hate it and continually gripe about it, it's also another thing to read a bit, recognize you don't like it, stop reading it, and then say "I really don't like this and here's why".

    All of my complaints are legitimate and should be treated as such. I am not personally attacking the author or wishing harm on them or saying their story is shit. I'm only saying that the way their story is written doesn't work with me.

    I honestly get better treatment on GoodReads, which is undoubtedly full of people who express their displeasure with your other favorite mangas in a similar manner and are met with polite disagreements, not accusations that they're trolling.

    No, trolling would be me saying "Man this author is a piece of shit. Burn this book LOL". That would be trolling, my fellow mangago users. No, I'm simply expressing an unpopular opinion and defending that opinion, as I've iterated before. You getting angry at something someone said because you think they're wrong =/= trolling.

    Don't like the fact that there are people out there who don't lke this story? Deal with it. I exist and my opinions are just as valid as yours.