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    Merry July 17, 2015 9:48 am

    Ah, no. That's Aoba from DRAMAtical Murder.

    Merry July 17, 2015 9:49 am

    DRAMAtical Murder is also a BL game like Togainu no Chi and an anime as well (that's if you didn't know)

    Merry July 17, 2015 9:51 am
    Ah, no. That's Aoba from DRAMAtical Murder. Merry

    My bad, his eyes are blue so he's not Aoba. I just noticed...Yeah, it's Akira from Togainu no Chi

    natsuka July 19, 2015 1:21 pm
    My bad, his eyes are blue so he's not Aoba. I just noticed...Yeah, it's Akira from Togainu no Chi Merry

    ahh so its right, , thank you, , ^^ i tought there is other manga with this char, but i think its togainu no chi when i read the name ~