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Meaning maybe

Tima November 30, 2020 6:00 am

So I think the claw machine represent like their relationship and each time emi fails to get the doll it’s a relationship she’s stopping yuu from having a relationship. That’s why she only tries once each time and gives up, she’s not trying to get the doll even though she wants it but rather she is thinking if it comes to me it’ll be good but I won’t do more than that.
The end is about yuu giving emi her love (the doll) but emi isn’t prepared to have it even though she’s vaguely known she wanted it and so yuu is telling her now you have it so how do you feel about this. Like she’s saying I do like you now it’s your turn to try to understand your feelings.
Emi isn’t sure the difference between being best friends and being lovers. She doesn’t know how to categorise her feelings towards yuu because she’s the first friend and the first person she liked so she can’t separate those feelings. Her idea of love is based solely on what she sees in yuu during her crushes and she emulates that with the claw machine. Yuu constantly uses superstitions to get her crushes and so emi does the same. She likes yuu as more than a friend but doubts herself and her own sincerity since she doesn’t see herself exhibiting the same traits as yuu
Or it could be that emi wanted to understand love by exploring her relationship with yuu more eventually getting to the conclusion (the doll) herself but when the yuus love (the kiss) was given to her she hadn’t yet finished understanding her own feelings that why she said gross because she hadn’t yet finished understanding her feelings and this kiss was just a more confused version of what he had done with boys before. It’s like barely learning algebra and then the next day going straight into advanced calculus. She has a lot of gaps in her feelings that just aren’t filled in yet. And so that’s yuu’s revenge making emi more seriously consider her feelings and not just give up after one try like with the claw machine
Idk tho this is really cute and I wish there was more but the end it’s interesting as is.
