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You guys know just because he had a crush on the seme, it's not illegal or immoral for him...

rendeve44 November 30, 2020 5:24 pm

You guys know just because he had a crush on the seme, it's not illegal or immoral for him to seek out a more direct guy, even as a fling. I'm not really sure why people are aggravated with the uke, when the seme really wasn't anything beyond a fantasy and crush.

    TehBlueFish November 30, 2020 8:12 pm

    Ikr? Like he only likes his boss bc he looks like Cain and he also likes the prince from the other company, but I sort of like his indecisiveness also I mean if you were in that situation wouldn’t you think the same way? Why does everyone hate the uke so much like cmon- they’re both hot guys ヽ(`Д´)ノ