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Nothing against Shiwon so please read

Quicksilver November 30, 2020 6:55 pm

I mean this kindly: I know you all love this character, and I won't say anymore bad things about him. It's fiction, and he was your favorite. It's fine, but if you go out in RL and meet someone with the same behaviors, please please stay as far away as you can. Nothing at all against this character that you all like. Just if you'll go back through the story and make a mental list, and if you encounter someone with any of those traits or behaviors, stay away. This could save your life or prevent you from serious mental harm. Again, you like the character of Shiwon, and he came across as loving and kind, and if I say don't like him all you do is get mad at me, so please just consider what I'm saying here.
I mean this kindly and protectively.

I'll list a few of what I'm referring to. Again, this is for RL, not applying to the character, k? They're separate. RL is different:
-following you in his car
-showing up while you're on a date with someone else.
-confronting someone you're dating
-waiting till you're happily dating someone else to come forward and say he's always loved you
-bad jealousy "anyone but him."
-seriously threatening ultimatums that destroy your peace of mind. "marry me or I'll never speak to you again" while you haven't had time to settle your feelings for someone else.
-controlling behavior
-threatening your new bf
-separating you from others saying he wants to be alone with you all the time.

You're likely to meet men with some of these behaviors. Just don't connect their actions as reminding you of the good things you love about shiwon. stay away

    Nan molla December 10, 2020 6:51 am

    Yo this is the nicest comment. And I totally agree with you! P.R.E.A.C.H!

    miki December 21, 2020 12:13 am

    I like this, but I like your wrath of god comments even more

    lunar_flower December 23, 2020 7:30 am

    lol, what the hell? It's fictional reading material usually for erotic fodder, not "how to spot abusive warning signs." I'd leave that to Google and Seventeen and I highly doubt people are using this as a basis for relationships.

    miki December 23, 2020 7:56 am
    lol, what the hell? It's fictional reading material usually for erotic fodder, not "how to spot abusive warning signs." I'd leave that to Google and Seventeen and I highly doubt people are using this as a basis... lunar_flower

    wow. I don't care for you calling someone's art "fodder." That's a terrible attitude, buddy. You really aren't going tp get along too well around here if you start throwing around insults to these artists. that's really frowned on here. Aeju is a huge favorite, too.
    wow. I can't believe what I just read. maybe don't talk big till you're familiar with your surroundings.

    Orange_puss December 29, 2020 2:13 pm


    miki January 1, 2021 4:38 am

    orange puss having a good time. LOL

    Quicksilver February 12, 2021 10:39 pm
    orange puss having a good time. LOL miki

    this is for Lunar Flower, a lowlife who speaks directly to someone then blocks them so they can't reply. I'm replying anyway, shlthead. You misunderstood me. Yes, I think it's sad that people can't see how horrible Shiwon is, but I'm not sermonizing about healthy relationships. I hated shiwon for the disgusting slime that he is