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Baby Fujioshi December 1, 2020 3:22 am

I lost so many brain cells reading this...

    I_love_anime_and_good_manga December 1, 2020 3:47 am

    Why? Its so cawaii the uncle and his beloved omega are alive in some other place, the sama and uka are back with each other and they have a child.. this is up on my favorit omegavers list..

    Anonymous December 1, 2020 12:05 pm
    Why? Its so cawaii the uncle and his beloved omega are alive in some other place, the sama and uka are back with each other and they have a child.. this is up on my favorit omegavers list.. I_love_anime_and_good_manga

    Please please please don’t have children if you think this pedophile raping ass manga is cute what a fucked up and twisted mind you have to romantize garbage like this and other works similar