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Naïve Drifter July 20, 2015 2:35 pm

there was a story about a novelist(A) who was gay a guy(B) looking work in the city became his fill-in? or he was to be image for novelist. anyways at one point in the story (a) told his manger and editor that (b) had a great body so the editor lift up his shirt and felt (b) chest up. it result in the novelist getting in a daze about the view then the manger covered (a) eyes saying to get back to work and (a) saying that it was done on purpose. another point (a) suck on (b) nipples then said he may be drunk (he wasnt) Can you tell me the name please? and possible if there are other stories similar to this plot or where the uke his more open and complains its only eye-candy? thank you
