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Naïve Drifter July 24, 2015 5:09 am

I remember the cover having two guy-boys and there are outside a store. The plot is a shut-in decides to take the job his uncle offers because he drop out of school. He became a drop out because when he had the hots for one guy and the schoolmate used the guy's cell to call out the main character(MC). When the main character show up at the meeting spot, half of the students were there and humiliated him.
As he works he meets his new co-worker (who has blonde hair and saved a kitten from the middle of the road and the MC said it was corny) they become friends because of the kitten. Then the guy students found the MC and warn his co-worker about the MC being gay instead of the co-worker being disgusted he kicked the dickhead. The co-worker was almost fired but the MC stood up for him saying something like he fought for him he a great friend.
I'm sooorrryyy for my long description but I'm desperately trying to find it So thank you ahead of time!!!
