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Guys..... this manga copies everything from kaori yuki's work! the design, the story and a...

... September 23, 2012 5:13 pm

this manga copies everything from kaori yuki's work!
the design, the story and atmosphere is all the same!
if you read it carefully, you'll find the EXACT SCENE from Boy's Next Door! About a young prostitute boy and a lawyer (in BND it's a teacher). The face, expression is the same!
The story also resembles very much!
Please read this also and you'll see how this manhwa COPIES IT!
oh, and for you who said those lines are beautiful, look at this!
"Do you love me?"
Yes, I love you.
THE EXACT LINE from BND that appears several times in those pages!
Guys... I have tried to post this at MangaUpdates, please help me to remind the others about this too. Kaori Yuki is one of my favorite mangaka. Her works are really full of emotion and I'm really sad to see her work stolen by others...
