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Problems of the immortals & Revenge

KyoZaNa✿ July 25, 2015 2:54 am

«●[]●» A Collection of Plot Twist Drama / Problems of the immortals & Revenge - All stories are great with plot, art & tactics of narrating. Too bad we got only 3 of 7 stories translated. They're quite deep & complicated stories so it's a bit difficult read but once you get it, you'll love it like me. (>‿O)v
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★:彡Ch.1 Fallen Celestial Moon - After the Seme's lover discovered that he's the God's Fallen Angel, she regretted & prayed to god for salvation. He got upset but still helped her to go on by deleting her memory. She then married & had a child, the Uke who looked like her. Which caused the Seme who couldn't go on, conspired with the Devil to get the Uke... ( ̄∇ ̄")
BTW The maid's actually the watcher-angel who tried to make the Seme repent but failed.

★:彡Ch.2 Painting of Recollection - Helped the fallen archangel to regain memory, just to see him in pain of causing his crush died. >> It looks like a sequel so I would love to see the prequel.

★:彡Ch.4 Garden's Thorn - After being granted immortality, the talented sorcerer's been shut in a tower for 18 yrs. He got rescued by the abused child whom he ever met 20 yrs before... Another Great 'Tragedy of War' manga. >> Anyway, ending this way may be not happy ending like normal pattern but it's the best for all; ended those tragedy long war, they both somehow could get revenge but also had too much terrible memories. So leaving this cruel world to another world together may be better. (ಥ‿ಥ)
