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Its not raped guys. the uke likes it HAHHAHA did you see? he kissed back.. even thohht s...

yukis rope December 3, 2020 3:31 pm

Its not raped guys. the uke likes it HAHHAHA did you see? he kissed back.. even thohht suhas bitch he knows how to fight back. He shoukd have used his body too. and thats his fault he lnows that guys is dangerous but he choose to go..serves him right im laughing btw how can he acts in the end that he didnt like it. when he is so obvious hahhahha

    Tigress May 2, 2021 10:42 pm
    Rape doesnt matter if U like it nor not. Rape is penetration Of the Body anus or oral With anything Without consent. (please do us a favor and k1ll your s3lf skueleton

    Wtf is wrong with you... I get that what they said is super fucked up but you should never say that to anyone EVER... like bruh chill... they've already apologized for that bullshit too

    ⚛Blue_Yaoi May 5, 2021 1:00 pm
    im sorry really sorry i even compared rhsi to someone im really sorry. No means no and they clearly raped im really sorry yukis rope

    I'm really happy about the fact that you realized it but pls be careful about what you say nextime...
    Also as someone who have been raped before what you said was really offensive even tho you said sorry ...
    Pls keep in mind that even tho he looked like he liked it there was so many reason to why his body was like that even tho he was raped...
    First of all he was drugged...
    And even if he wasn't if his body was experienced and used to it he could still feel good even if he didn't like it and he was forced on doing it...
    But if it was someone without experienced he will only feel pain unless he got drugged
    That's just how the human body works...
    Please be more open minded nextime

    Aka May 17, 2021 5:00 pm

    Delete this comment already

    skueleton May 18, 2021 2:04 am
    Wtf is wrong with you... I get that what they said is super fucked up but you should never say that to anyone EVER... like bruh chill... they've already apologized for that bullshit too Tigress

    I really dont gaf- People Who have that type of mindset and Fucked up ideology And victim Shame Should off themselves