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I never read killing stalking because Love should not be like that.

KafkaOnTheShore December 4, 2020 3:36 pm

Seun-Hoe, please fucking make love to Nakyum. Please bitch! I don't want all the emotions that I have vested in this Manhwa to go to waste.
The thing about Killing stalking was, they were both fucked up so their relationship somehow worked out (don't know much about Killing Stalking)
But Nakyum is a beautiful baby. He even felt a little bit for Seun-Hoe's fucked up ass! He does not deserve to be raped over and over again until he has Stockholm syndrome. I hate mangas that show Stockholm syndrome as love.

it was really just a rant! I am sorry. ┗( T﹏T )┛
