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I'm in need of some comfort, WAAHHHHH!!!

YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 1:56 am

Okay, so I was with two of my friends, and they were saying shit about anime and manga, so I tried to back up my secret hobbies. Then, Friend 1 says, "There's Gay manga?! Damn, I bet people who read that type of shit are a bunch of fatty perverts." That's exactly what she said. And she's "popular", if people still use that word. So, when she said that, I'm thinking, wow, I read yaoi manga and anime EVERY day. Am I the only one?!

    natzume July 28, 2015 2:05 am

    you are not the only one, I read yaoi manga literally everyday (●'◡'●)ノ

    Keith July 28, 2015 2:06 am

    I bet they got their own secret hobbies too, what is bad about reading yaoi manga?! They don't have the rights to judge others. YOU SHOULD HAVE SHOWED THEM WHOSE BOSS!! Did they actually say "gay manga" TELL THEM ITS CALLED FREAKING YAOI
    srry..i got carried away but I got irritated at the fact they speak ill about anime and manga

    misekatte July 28, 2015 2:10 am

    Sounds like your 'friends' are narrow minded and prejudiced. Wonder what skeletons their closets are hiding ...

    Cryonaut July 28, 2015 2:11 am
    I bet they got their own secret hobbies too, what is bad about reading yaoi manga?! They don't have the rights to judge others. YOU SHOULD HAVE SHOWED THEM WHOSE BOSS!! Did they actually say "gay manga" TELL TH... Keith

    I'm just imagining:

    "Ugh. There's GAY manga? I bet people who read that type of shit are a bunch of fatty perverts."

    "*ahem* It's called yaoi." *pointedlook*

    YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 2:35 am

    Bwahahaha, thank you, you guys, I feel better already ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

    ChumptyDumpty July 28, 2015 2:42 am

    Look, you don't have to listen to 'popular' guys just because they're in fact popular. Sometimes they're the biggest assholes and I tell you cause I had a few experiences. If you like yaoi manga just tell them so! If they are okay with it fine, if they're not and they start to make fun of you and stuff just remember that you don't deserve such a treatment. Let me be, you'll find someone worth hanging out with. You're not doing anything wrong, you just enjoy reading a different king of comic, you're not killing anyone or nothing like that. Continue enjoying reading manga but just remember to be moderated! Exaggeration is the worst. Hope I helped you out sweetie~

    Queen of Halloween July 28, 2015 3:31 am

    Wow ur nice I would've pulled up mangago and showed them just exactly how many people read manga and watch anime and say " it's physically/ fundamentally impossible That everyone is a "fatty pervert"
    Then I w would've gave them the correct term yaoi or if the chick was too narrow minded yuri too

    Someone-chan July 28, 2015 5:28 am

    Obviously your friend has an issue with stereotypes, which are the worst possible way or point of view to begin to judge anything. If you really want to back up your hobbies, you could enlighten them and tell them about what you find awesome in anime and manga.
    Your friend might also be a prude. BTW, how old are you? It may not be exclusively a prejudice against homosexual manga but R18+ manga. It's content, sexual intercourse, could shock some people, mostly girls & women, just because it's porn and "OMG!" it's not even regular, 3D, real human beings porn, but draws... This must be a problem related to sexual education, but is her issue: she ignores woman sexuality and how a lot of women watch porn and enjoy it.
    As we read manga and yaoi almost everyday, if not everyday, we already know what kind of stories we might find, but she doesn't and jumps to a, perhaps insulting, conclusion? (Maybe her thoughts were the perverted ones, she could be a potential fujoshi... (๑•ㅂ•)و✧, think about it!).
    Well, about the insulting conclusion, is it? I might be a pervert, we regularly joke about it, and I need to do more exercise to lose some weight, nah! I'm not offended at all, because she is an ignorant about this topic and doesn't understand who we are and why we like such thing as manga.
    Don't worry, if you decide to be honest about your hobbies, tell them, if not, don't feel ashamed or weird about it, you are not weird, millions of people support your hobbies (▰˘◡˘▰)

    YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 6:10 am
    Look, you don't have to listen to 'popular' guys just because they're in fact popular. Sometimes they're the biggest assholes and I tell you cause I had a few experiences. If you like yaoi manga just tell them ... ChumptyDumpty

    This did, in fact helped me! Thank you for your support, and the guys at my school are jerks 24/7. Thank you for the advice, but I really can't tell them after all, because I know how it will turn out. But I'll tell them one day, thanks to you. o(^▽^)o

    YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 6:22 am
    Obviously your friend has an issue with stereotypes, which are the worst possible way or point of view to begin to judge anything. If you really want to back up your hobbies, you could enlighten them and tell t... @Someone-chan

    Thank you for your passionate support, and I'm 17. Actually my friend is what you say about stereotypes, but nonetheless, she is my friend. (sighs really loudly after the word "friend") It helps to know that other people are just like me, and aren't afraid to voice their opinions. But! I choose to live a facade of lies rather than stand up for what I believe. Coward I may be, but I have my reasons, such as home problems, school problems, or my insecurities. Even if this is what you didn't expect, I really take everybody's support to my heart, and maybe I'll tell them.

    YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 6:26 am
    Wow ur nice I would've pulled up mangago and showed them just exactly how many people read manga and watch anime and say " it's physically/ fundamentally impossible That everyone is a "fatty pervert"Then I w w... Queen of Halloween

    Haha, thanks for your help, and I've would've done the same, except my homepage has a TON of perverted Yaoi manga suggestions; don't want to freak them out too much ψ(`∇´)ψ

    Someone-chan July 28, 2015 7:22 am
    Thank you for your passionate support, and I'm 17. Actually my friend is what you say about stereotypes, but nonetheless, she is my friend. (sighs really loudly after the word "friend") It helps to know that ot... YunikonNiji

    Oh, well, you are young. That explains a lot and why her thoughts about stuffs are still so narrow-minded, but I'm just making assumptions. Don't we learn something new everyday? I have always thought ignorance is completely normal and that we just have to try to learn more about everyone and our surroundings day by day.
    I'm glad that you understand and care about your friend, in spite of knowing that you would disagree with her. That shows me good things about you :)
    Don't be so harsh with yourself... It's not about living a facade. Maybe "being honest" was not a good way of phrasing it, but as you may see, English is not my first language. I didn't mean that not telling was "being dishonest", and I would never think you are a coward. Hmm, but I bet you may say so because you feel you prefer to be quiet about your beliefs, it has a deeper meaning to you, right? (⊙…⊙ )
    Don't worry, we all have our reasons to share or not to share our likings (or ourselves) with our friends and acquaintances, that's why I know it's not easy and why I told you not be ashamed even if you don't share this with them, because what you think of yourself is important, so don't feel weird for being who you are. Be happy with who you are and who you are becoming.
    About sharing your yaoi liking, you can be a reserved person. If you like something, it doen't necessarily mean that you need to shout it to the world. Just keep it to yourself and when you feel that there is an appropiate time, place and person to talk about it, do so if you are comfortable.

    ChumptyDumpty July 28, 2015 11:44 am
    This did, in fact helped me! Thank you for your support, and the guys at my school are jerks 24/7. Thank you for the advice, but I really can't tell them after all, because I know how it will turn out. But I'l... YunikonNiji

    It was a pleasure dear! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ~ ❀

    YunikonNiji July 28, 2015 9:39 pm
    Oh, well, you are young. That explains a lot and why her thoughts about stuffs are still so narrow-minded, but I'm just making assumptions. Don't we learn something new everyday? I have always thought ignorance... @Someone-chan

    I'm really thankful your your support, and maybe I'll tell them this year o(^▽^)o To be honest, I did tell them once, but kind of as a joke to see how they would react. They said that I was gross and digusting, and even told my other friends. (。-_-。) Since I never voice my opinions out, I end up kind of pretending to be a "perverted monkey" in my friends' eyes. I'm not trying to have low self esteem, it's just how I see myself. I'm the type of person that would be reserved and insecure and act as an entirely different person on the outside, because most people tend to hang around those who are friendly and cheery, right? But arigato for your support!

    Someone-chan July 29, 2015 1:39 am
    I'm really thankful your your support, and maybe I'll tell them this year o(^▽^)o To be honest, I did tell them once, but kind of as a joke to see how they would react. They said that I was gross and digustin... YunikonNiji

    I understand you. I am a reserved and insecure person too and I used to be quiet about what I thought or felt just to avoid confrontation. But since then, it has got better, haha. I am learning how to accept myself, it has been difficult but it makes a difference in the way you interact with others. I still keep things for myself but I have learned how to share bits of me with my friends :) If you want to do it, you can take little steps by trying to know yourself better and feel good about who you are or want to be.
    Oh and there is no rush, at certain point you would find someone to be comfortable with about your thoughts and it will worth all the wait (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ (even if you also find people who won't understand you when you expect they do it).
    Keep on and good luck with everything (⌒▽⌒)