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just something i noticed

Ellie December 5, 2020 3:06 am

I think the reason why seungho got so angry, that he even threatened his servant when he said that nakyum must not have run away since he was even waiting for him back at home a few days ago, is because that was actually something that touched seungho's heart, "that" being nakyum waiting for him at home I mean. He said it at the end of the chapter as well, that he was foolish for falling for the fact that nakyum was waiting for him. He felt deceived bro. Idk bout you but I'd also start to be irrational and mad when I feel deceived.

also, Idk I think a lot of the people are being too harsh on seungho, yes he's abusive and has anger issues but their development didn't go back to square 1. If you and your friend or even lover fought, would you go back to square 1? no I don't think so, maybe a few steps back, but the progress is still there and its still quite evident.

    Ombelyne December 5, 2020 3:09 am

    Plus, we are NOT on modern times, it pas a common thing for a lord (sorry i'm french si i dont have the voc) to be violent toward a serf.