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Akihito had his hair cut, but not Asami...

afterdark December 5, 2020 5:02 am

...and Asami already woke up despite being shot four times. I'm worried that Akihito might be in a worse state than Asami... he probably had brain surgery, which means we should buckle up for some memory loss arc... or something as tragic. I'm really scared...

    p i x y December 8, 2020 5:40 pm

    damn, that sounds interesting

    MahirF December 9, 2020 9:06 pm

    I mean, just by his condition you can tell he is in a very bad shape compared to Asami. He lost so much weight and has dark circles under his eyes. I swear when I saw that panel of him on that bed, I thought he was dying of some terminal cancer or something! Sensei made him look so fragile and vulnerable! I wonder why...

    p i x y December 10, 2020 7:40 am
    I mean, just by his condition you can tell he is in a very bad shape compared to Asami. He lost so much weight and has dark circles under his eyes. I swear when I saw that panel of him on that bed, I thought he... MahirF

    he even look very different