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Has Asami ever said I love u to Akihito? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Flavor1084 July 30, 2015 12:59 am

Has Asami ever said I love u to Akihito , cause I haven't noticed so far, but I could be wrong though.

    J Unleashed July 30, 2015 4:43 pm

    Anybody can say "I love you". It's just words. People say it all the time without meaning it (I think I heard this line once in a movie).

    Asami-- a man of few words but many actions.

    Anonymous July 30, 2015 5:14 pm
    Anybody can say "I love you". It's just words. People say it all the time without meaning it (I think I heard this line once in a movie). Asami-- a man of few words but many actions. J Unleashed

    You know, what you wrote got me thinking and I just remembered something...I don't know if any of you have seen Brokebak Mountain, but they didn't say "I love you" once in that movie, and yet I don't think anyone would argue those two were deeply in love. I understand if people are looking for confirmation in black and white, but those words are definitely not the only way to convey love. :)

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 1:32 am
    "You are mine" and "You belong to me" aren't really all that romantic^^ (at least to me)...I think the closest thing to a confession I've heard from Asami was on the ship at the end of the Hong Kong arc when he... @Well...

    u do have a point

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 1:33 am
    Welp, tastes are different after all. ^^I agree that chapter 50 was a big step from Akihito's side...It was like one big love confession, only missing those three words everyone seems to be waiting for, but to ... @Well...

    Yes I think so too now.

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 1:41 am
    "You are mine" and "You belong to me" aren't really all that romantic^^ (at least to me)...I think the closest thing to a confession I've heard from Asami was on the ship at the end of the Hong Kong arc when he... @Well...

    Maybe that's just how Asami says I love U.

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 1:43 am
    What are you guys talking about? "You are mine" Is Asami's unique yet romantic way to say "I love you"//Thread// @Anonymous

    To tell u the truth to me it sounds more controlling than love.

    Anonymous July 31, 2015 2:20 am
    Welp, tastes are different after all. ^^I agree that chapter 50 was a big step from Akihito's side...It was like one big love confession, only missing those three words everyone seems to be waiting for, but to ... @Well...

    The translators of the scanlated version gave their own interpretation of the original Japanese. Read the note on the right hand side of the page here:

    The original phrase doesn't employ or even necessarily imply anything to do with the heart. That seems to be something of a leap on the part of the translators. The English correlation to "Don't toss me around" is probably closer to something like "Don't upset me/Don't scare me." And indeed, the English book translation gives it as "Don't distress me like this again."

    Yes, to be distressed or upset implies a certain depth of feeling but not quite the hearts and flowers of "Don't toss my heart around."

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 3:05 am
    The translators of the scanlated version gave their own interpretation of the original Japanese. Read the note on the right hand side of the page here: @Anonymous

    I agree. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Well... July 31, 2015 8:00 am
    The translators of the scanlated version gave their own interpretation of the original Japanese. Read the note on the right hand side of the page here: @Anonymous

    I see...Well, for me the power of that scene came both from the fact that Asami showed expression on his face and, similar to what you said, that Akihito being kidnapped had that much an impact on him/"tossed him around" like that at all. Even if you take the heart aspect out of it, that scene is probably still the one where he was closest to being honest with his feelings.

    Flavor1084 July 31, 2015 9:50 pm
    That's an interesting theory. At the same time though, I don't think Asami's really all that controlling over Aki. He has a PI follow him around (more for Aki's safety than anything I think), but he basically l... Akari

    Now that I think about it, I agree completely.