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Well, I just thought, Bolt is a descendant of the Hyuga clan, so that means he should be a...

Anonymous July 30, 2015 9:27 am

Well, I just thought, Bolt is a descendant of the Hyuga clan, so that means he should be able to use Byakugan or something... right?

    Apples July 30, 2015 11:15 am

    Both Bolt and his sister were intended to have the Byakugan but Masashi completely forgot to add it to them when he released chapter 700. I really hope that doesn't stop him from adding it to them in the movies. It may be too late for bolt but I don't see why his sister couldn't have it. Especially with the hype given to Hinata as the Hyuga clan princess and what not. Plus it would be a little strange that not one of her children inherited a kekkei genkai.

    Anonymous August 10, 2015 3:32 am
    Both Bolt and his sister were intended to have the Byakugan but Masashi completely forgot to add it to them when he released chapter 700. I really hope that doesn't stop him from adding it to them in the movies... @Apples