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emmaimakitty July 31, 2015 12:40 am

HIIII im trying to find this book, but its not a manga; i just dont know where else to ask but anyways if you know this book please please please tell me the title. Okay, it takes place in a fantasy world and the main character (a girl) is one of the few survivors of a disease that killed her mother and many others. the survivors all end up scarred once they recover and i think some (maybe all) obtain "powers." i am not sure what those powers are. anyways the MC's father is in debt because of failed business(?), and so he sold the MC to this man who wanted to marry the MC but was acually just buying her. In other words her father sold her to slavery. the MC has a beautiful sister (idk if she is younger or older) whom everyone wants to marry, but people are scarred of the MC because she is missing an eye (disease took it), and has white(?) hair and different colored eyes that i dont remember what color they are. I pretty sure it is fantasy. Anyways thanks in advanced. PLEASE HELP ME THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH. (=・ω・=)
