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you know if he truly loved her he wouldnt care and fought all the world even though he was...

................. August 1, 2015 9:18 pm

you know if he truly loved her he wouldnt care and fought all the world even though he was told that she was his sister, loving someone has no extent, if i was her i wouldnt still love him cause he didnt believe in our love...

    CrystalAris October 6, 2015 11:48 pm

    I don't know would you date your own sibling, though I'm 100% for it if they truly love each other.

    corali January 9, 2016 10:25 pm

    I agree with you, if he truly loved her, he would care for her feelings, for her suffering, but the love of Jackie remains half his love didn't past the test. So if I were her never return with him never married him, even if I still have some feelings for him. How I wish to change this story, the stories of Harlequin are annoying especially with women.

    corali January 9, 2016 11:08 pm

    Me too, not only his love didn't past the test, he betrayed her by marrying another woman, he really didn't care for her feelings.

    corali January 9, 2016 11:32 pm

    is there someone, besides me, she would not have stayed in the end with Jack?
    someone to wish the same as me? after such great pain, is there any woman who can come back with that man like nothing happened? I hate that man, his love remains half, and I think is not true.

    CrystalAris January 10, 2016 2:33 am
    is there someone, besides me, she would not have stayed in the end with Jack?someone to wish the same as me? after such great pain, is there any woman who can come back with that man like nothing happened? I ha... corali

    I think it would have been better if she hit him at least once, rather than marry him and then he yells at her when he finds out about 'that' so she leaves crying and then he goes after her...

    she needed to stand up for herself, I'm fine with them being together but she, I believe has the right to torment him... instead she directed her hate at the mom (yes peraticle blame) but he still needs a good kick back to reality

    corali January 11, 2016 3:06 am
    I think it would have been better if she hit him at least once, rather than marry him and then he yells at her when he finds out about 'that' so she leaves crying and then he goes after her... she needed to sta... CrystalAris

    you know, you're right, she has the right to torment him..., but doing that wouldn't it be more hurtful for her?, I think the best thing for her is leave the town and leave in the past that man, not only hate the mother, never forgive Jacke, because I believe the most hurtful thing he made to her was marry another woman, he slept with that woman, and the end he betrayed her and he never explain to her properly. After all, everything was a lie and he never does the right thing, even till the end just like you said: he yells at her when he finds out about 'that'...., but never understand her pain, her feelings. I don't like them being together, because I think is a loss for her, a big loss. It doesn't matter if they were siblings because they love each other before, but instead of protecting her he abandon her, his love is not sincere, remains only half, his love didn't past the test. She must look for a sincere true love.

    CrystalAris January 11, 2016 4:24 am
    you know, you're right, she has the right to torment him..., but doing that wouldn't it be more hurtful for her?, I think the best thing for her is leave the town and leave in the past that man, not only hate t... corali

    It didn't help how she was raised. That fact that he loved (more or less liked her) made her supper happy since she couldn't find happiness elsewhere. though after getting kicked out of town she met Grant... who (also) in a way rejected her but he did support her when she needed it more so than the guy she's married to.

    I think her biggest mistake was holding on to the past (not that it'd be possible to forget) it would have been better if she moved on (no matter how long it took). She was like a big fish that the guy caught and as soon as she returned to the pond (the town) he was waiting to fish her out again and this time he didn't plan to let her go.

    I think if she would have left her past behind and also left Grant once she had enough $$ to make her own way she could have become independent, she did find out she liked to write, so she could have gone down that way and grown into a well off independent woman, maybe add romance but it wouldn't be nessacary.

    corali January 15, 2016 5:55 pm
    It didn't help how she was raised. That fact that he loved (more or less liked her) made her supper happy since she couldn't find happiness elsewhere. though after getting kicked out of town she met Grant... wh... CrystalAris

    you are right in all, she was happy in the beginning, but when it come to love is a total deception, you are right, her biggest mistake was holding on to the past, she can't moved on. I don't like Grand either, but he support her when she needed it more, but I hate Jack, to me he did nothing. In the story there no man worthy of her.
    As you said, she would have left her past behind and also left Grant, left Jack, after knowing the true. She must depend on herself, be free and independent woman, she already is a good actress and she like to write, it means she has skill for that, I think she successfully would had make her own way, the only happy ending I can see for her is to be a strong woman, independent, no matter how much Jack was waiting to fish her out again, he could not force her if she had not wanted, after such great pain,impossible to forget, there is no other happy ending for her, only to be free and strong, and in the future like you said, maybe add romance but it wouldn't be necessary.
    Do you think there is another happy ending? you thought in another posibility of happy ending?
    The main point here are harlequin's women are weak and depend on man to be happy, for me the worst thing is its happy ending, I disdain harlequin's story, but you maybe you ask why you read it? I read only for the coments, sometimes interesting coments like yours.
    I am happy to think, there were and there are, strong and independent women, right now for example Jenifer Lopez, I like this woman and of course her songs.

    CrystalAris January 15, 2016 11:41 pm
    you are right in all, she was happy in the beginning, but when it come to love is a total deception, you are right, her biggest mistake was holding on to the past, she can't moved on. I don't like Grand either,... corali

    ^^ glad u like my comments and I do admit comments r fun 2 read, I also enjoy getting feed back. though I don't recall asking why u read if u don't like it, because I know I read out of shear curiosity/ boredom.

    I do agree the Harlequin's women are 'weak' though some show strong characteristic, but the men always win in the end and women get the short stick.

    Some would say, well they got love didn't they, but do we really need that type of love where we 'obey' the men? no I think that's sexism at play (yeah its worked into today's culture)

    though there is a movie (horror category {almost} 'Stefins Wives' {or something like that}) where the women were the $$ makers and the men didn't like that, there's 2 movie one old and a newer one (new has Nicole Kindmand and Mathew Broric). it plays off the stereo typical 'role' of women and the men trying 2 brainwash their wives into was interesting (yeah & I'm positive my spelling is off ><)