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I mean most shoujo manga have age gaps

alex-chan December 7, 2020 11:38 am

I agree about that the age gap it isn’t great and all but I also can’t ignore that the fact is, age gaps have been a huge trope in the manga industry, obviously Japan has a lot of anime/manga with them for so many years that it’s super common and most manganka are encouraged or inspired to make them. I know that now a days the manga industry is trying to divert from that mentality and also in not putting young characters into adult situations but sadly that’s why it was all made in the first placed, but I’m glad that now since there’s more fans of manga out their and it’s expanding the industry and many are put off and concern of these not okay tropes, it’s changing but people shouldn’t be upset you know. I’ve been reading manga since I was barely even a teen, and I’ve read about everything I’m like super desensitized to a lot of it and I’m in my early twenties nothing fazes me, so honestly it doesn’t bother me especially since it’s fictional and I know it’s not okay in the real world. Like my parents have a age gap too, my mom got married at 16 with my dad who was 9 years her junior, so I was born from that type of love so it doesn’t bother me but I’ve made fun of my parents for it. Idk I guess everyone has a way to feel about it (⌒▽⌒)

    serralinda December 7, 2020 2:55 pm

    Wow, your dad was only 7 years old when he married your mom? Way to go, Dad!

    Sorry, just had to tease you a little.

    Age gaps are fine, as long as the older person isn't taking unfair advantage of the younger person's inexperience to brainwash them.

    alex-chan December 7, 2020 4:48 pm
    Wow, your dad was only 7 years old when he married your mom? Way to go, Dad!Sorry, just had to tease you a little.Age gaps are fine, as long as the older person isn't taking unfair advantage of the younger pers... serralinda

    LOL Yeah I mean my parents did everything the right way, my mom says because she was underage there was a very long process for her to actually get married young legally, she said she wouldn’t have gotten married if it wasn’t for the fact the my family kept involving themselves in my parents relationship. They all thought my dad was trying to take advantage at my mom since she was so young but it wasn’t true, my mom in fact he was a gentleman and treated her right and never did anything to her inappropriately since of her age. My mom was the one pursing my dad in the relationship and I was one insistent on getting married but my dad was traditional so he had to ask for approval for my grandparents which they approved. I mean I totally agree if both parties are really in love with each other and are together for all the right reasons then I think it’s okay. Obviously now it’s like nooooooo but I mean like I guess in some causes things are different so yeah.

    xielian_inlove December 8, 2020 3:27 am

    this isn’t an age gap issue. the issue is that this is a minor (a person NOT of legal age still in HIGH SCHOOL) dating an adult :/ and that doesn’t sit well with many of us. what a bummer, because if she was just a tad older (and of legal age), I would have loved this

    alex-chan December 11, 2020 4:50 pm
    this isn’t an age gap issue. the issue is that this is a minor (a person NOT of legal age still in HIGH SCHOOL) dating an adult :/ and that doesn’t sit well with many of us. what a bummer, because if she wa... xielian_inlove

    Oh yeah I got that I don’t approve which I get, I mean honestly it would’ve been better if the author were to just change her age to 18 because most 18 year olds are still in highschool, going into college but yeah I totally agree but like I said this isn’t the first manga to do this so I don’t think everyone has to get heated that’s all. This trope will soon change it’s something that needs to obviously it’s not okay the only thing is that I can’t exactly say hey that’s wrong because my mom a minor in highschool dated a grown ass man and events got married to him as a minor. I’m just saying we can’t deny that relationships like this happen in real life and have been a thing for centuries thank god we live in a modern time where this is frowned upon and should not be acceptable. On another note a Japanese reader on the site stated the author has changed her age because of the controversy so like I mean it’s up to editors on this site to change the age if they really want to.

    CuddleQuill December 11, 2020 11:33 pm
    this isn’t an age gap issue. the issue is that this is a minor (a person NOT of legal age still in HIGH SCHOOL) dating an adult :/ and that doesn’t sit well with many of us. what a bummer, because if she wa... xielian_inlove

    You do realize that the age of consent is actually 16 in Japan, right? It may not sit well with you if you're in the US or UK, but you have to remember that things are different in other countries.

    xielian_inlove December 12, 2020 2:11 am
    You do realize that the age of consent is actually 16 in Japan, right? It may not sit well with you if you're in the US or UK, but you have to remember that things are different in other countries. CuddleQuill

    gross. regardless of what the age of consent may be in japan, if you don't see a problem with a grown ass man getting with an adolescent child (I studied child development so I'm familiar with this) then I don't know what to tell you.

    xielian_inlove December 12, 2020 2:18 am
    Oh yeah I got that I don’t approve which I get, I mean honestly it would’ve been better if the author were to just change her age to 18 because most 18 year olds are still in highschool, going into college ... alex-chan

    for sure, 18 wouldn't have sounded the alarm for many of us. hmm, i'm not heated but I saw these essays re:age gaps after deciding to drop this after ch2, and I just wanted to share that I personally don't care about age gap. you could be 21 marrying a 78yr old and I'd be like you do you boo. but i do have an issue with how young the mangaka made the MC in this story. like, give her a cute bf of around the same age. why did it have to be a grown man already in the prime of his career?

    woah how interesting, why did she start dating someone so much older than her? why did she marry so young? was it tradition? feel free to not answer those questions if you're not comfortable since they're about your mum.

    that's really interesting that mangaka changed that. good for them. the art is adorable, and I def would have kept reading hadn't it been for the MC's age.

    CuddleQuill December 12, 2020 2:27 am
    gross. regardless of what the age of consent may be in japan, if you don't see a problem with a grown ass man getting with an adolescent child (I studied child development so I'm familiar with this) then I don'... xielian_inlove

    I'm just stating facts.

    Also, are people not allowed to have opinions unless they align with your own?

    xielian_inlove December 12, 2020 2:46 am

    @cuddlequill lmao you think you did something, huh? gross.

    also, say what? did i tell you to stfu? lol nope. as much as i know you are wrong (from a development pov an adolescent is LEAGUES behind mentally and in some ways physically from an adult), you were still able to express yourself.
    does it trigger you so much that people will not put aside their knowledge to excuse this kind of stuff? must be because a part of you agrees tbh. regardless, your life and the way you think is not my personal problem so continue justifying this weird child x adult sh*t, then whatever, good luck to ya.

    alex-chan December 13, 2020 12:30 pm

    It’s not necessary to get aggressive or upset but yeah everyone has their right to their opinions. As for the countries with different age consent yeah Europe and Asia is much younger compared to the US and also places in the world but despite that fact it doesn’t mean that people who live in those countries agree to it. I’ve read and seen many conversations where particularly many Japanese people don’t agree with 14 olds should be able to date older men or even be considered adults. It’s just something they’re accustomed to see people fetishize or idolize throughout history especially with anime or manga now a days or even idols. Most people from the new generation say that Japan in some ways is very open minded but are stuck a lot in way they do or view things but it’s something they have yet to overcome or pass. But yeah most authors/manganka honestly don’t think or pick their stories most of the times it’s their publishers or agencies. Probably the manganka wanted just thought a young cute girl loves wrestling and thinks buff wrestlers are attractive was a cute story plot and went with it and maybe didn’t think it was wrong to have romance but yeah the guy is old and yeah she’s a minor and she thought people wouldn’t care but honestly that’s the thing now, we didn’t care then because we know it’s fiction and it’s something normalized their but times have changed, new manga readers want to read stories where there’s consent and love between people where it’s unlawful. But yeah I think with seeing everyone’s concerns and disapproval she just is like okay I’ll do what’s right but who knows, we might get an authors note in the future. As for my mom, I don’t mind honestly to me it’s not a big deal they’re older middle aged people now. My dad honestly was never remotely interested in my mom because he saw her as a child but my mom said she would see my dad often around at his job where my grandmother worked also and my mom worked part time. It was kinda love at first sight? Or curiosity because my dad was different and not Americanized? But they would small talk and converse and became good friends and talk on breaks and my mom would try to teach my dad English and American things. And my mom said she told my dad her feelings and my dad kinda told her she was to young and it just wouldn’t be right to the family but ultimately after a while they got approval to date as long as they were supervised with other adults and made sure they were never alone. But my mom with time passed she was getting a lot of negativity from our family and we’re spreading rumors and lies and making my seem indecent because she was with an older experienced guy. Although my dad was a perfect gentleman and because my mom was inexperienced and young he wanted to take things slow and do things right. My mom said my grandmother was constantly being feed up with indecent rumors and lies of my mother being tainted and being wild and she had no trust or believes my mother so she left and said if she really wanted an indecent daughter she’d get one and ran off to my dad. My dad didn’t agree and said he’d never wanted to take my mother this way and wanted to do things right but my mother refused to go back because they’d never except their relationship and wanted to runaway with him. My dad went the next day talked to my grandparents and asked for their blessings to marry her and he said he wanted to treat her well and wanted to wait for her to be of age or even to give my mother her choices in life but obviously he couldn’t after all of the family’s disapproval. So he id marry her the right way and stay or make it a scandal and runaway with her like men did in the old days. My grandmother cared to much for her image and face and my grandpa wanted just wanted my mom to be happy and they approved. My parents got married and a year later I was born. The rest was history ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Tsura Sobasa January 22, 2021 12:33 am
    It’s not necessary to get aggressive or upset but yeah everyone has their right to their opinions. As for the countries with different age consent yeah Europe and Asia is much younger compared to the US and a... alex-chan

    Rumors are hell especially when they are spread by the own family! ╥﹏╥ It's sad when some people only care about how they look like in others' eyes while ruining others' hapiness. At least your grandpa cared about your mom's happiness... ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    alex-chan January 26, 2021 5:31 pm
    Rumors are hell especially when they are spread by the own family! ╥﹏╥ It's sad when some people only care about how they look like in others' eyes while ruining others' hapiness. At least your grandpa c... Tsura Sobasa

    Yeah I mean my family are really judgmental about each other and super gossipy still LOL but I mean they’re good nice people I mean everyone has flaws. My grandma is kinda the same still but isn’t she changed a lot she’s really nice and cares a lot but she has her flaws and her past actions aren’t great, but she’s paying her karma in a way so you know. My grandpa isn’t my real biological grandfather but he raised my mom as his own and despite my grandma giving him two other daughters, he never made differences and says my mom will always be his real daughter. Him and grandmother got divorced when I was 4 so because of that we couldn’t have a solid relationship and he would just call or visit us but now a days we see him more often and talk with him more but he just says he wants all of us to be happy. But yeah I think a lot of people forget that they shouldn’t care about others happiness and just focus on their own, people lose sight of that often and I think it’s something that’s really important people should say more often. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Tsura Sobasa January 26, 2021 8:48 pm
    Yeah I mean my family are really judgmental about each other and super gossipy still LOL but I mean they’re good nice people I mean everyone has flaws. My grandma is kinda the same still but isn’t she chang... alex-chan

    so true! your grandpa seems like a great man - you don't get that often. I'm happy for you! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶